Corporate governance

Corporate governance

Corporate Governance Report

The Company is subject to the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 (the Code), which is published by the Financial Reporting Council and available on their website. We have been fully compliant with the Code throughout 2023.  Further details of how the Company applied the Principles of the Code can be found in the Corporate Governance Report.

Senior Code of Conduct

The Senior plc Group has a clearly defined vision to be a trusted and collaborative high value-added engineering and manufacturing company producing sustainable growth in operating profit, cashflow and shareholder value.  In working towards this vision, Senior maintains an absolute commitment to the highest standard of ethics and a zero tolerance towards bribery and corruption. 

The Senior Code of Conduct (“the Code”) provides a clear framework for employees by:

  • Clearly setting out the behaviour we expect of all employees
  • Providing guidelines which help us apply our values
  • Enabling you to raise a concern or ask a question if you are in doubt.

Employees are required to take personal responsibility for behaving in an ethical way and for their own actions.  They are also required to confirm, on a regular basis, that they have complied with the Code.

Ethical concerns and Whistle blowing notifications

For employees who have an ethical concern, please refer to the Group's Code of Conduct for further details as to how you can report your concerns in confidence.  For non-employees with ethical concerns, please contact Senior's Group Company Secretary (contact details can be found here).

All notifications are investigated thoroughly.  In 2023, there were very few notifications received and following investigation the reported matters were either resolved or determined to not have been of an ethical nature.

Human Rights Policy

This policy, along with our Code of Conduct and our Modern Slavery policy clearly sets out the standards we expect from our employees, customers and suppliers regarding Human Rights.

At Senior, we strive to do business in a responsible way, respecting the human rights of our workers and everyone we come into contact with.  We also expect our suppliers to respect and adhere to this policy.  We believe, no matter where in the world we do business, we should do so responsibly, respecting the rights of our workforce and the communities in which we operate.  We make choices all the time that affect people.

Our Values set out the principles and standards of behaviour that drive our culture and how we do business is central to fulfilling our Purpose.

Modern Slavery Act Statement

Senior is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities and in its supply chain.

This statement sets out the Company's actions to assess potential modern slavery risks related to its business and the adoption of processes to minimise any risk of slavery or human trafficking in the Company’s business and supply chain.  This statement relates to actions and activities during the financial year to 31 December 2023.

The Company's previous Modern Slavery Act Statement may be found here.

Senior plc Group's Approach to Tax

Senior plc's Approach to Tax document defines the Group's global approach to tax and is aligned with the Senior Code of Conduct.

Gender Pay Gap

Senior UK Limited is the largest employing company covering the majority of Senior plc’s UK businesses.  Set out below are the Gender Pay Gap reports for Senior UK Limited as at 5 April for each of the following years: