On 28 May 2021, LSF XI Investments, LLC, ("LSF") a company advised by Lone Star Global Acquisitions, Ltd released an announcement confirming that on 20 May 2021 it made a third proposal to Senior plc ("the Company") regarding a possible cash offer for the Company. On the same date, the Company released an announcement in response.
On 21 June 2021, LSF released an announcement confirming that on 21 June 2021 it had made a fifth and final proposal to the Company regarding a possible cash offer for the Company. On 22 June 2021, the Company released to the London Stock Exchange an announcement in response; on the same date, the Company also published its presentation "Response to Lone Star’s Proposal".
On 24 June 2021, the Company noted in an announcement that LSF confirmed it does not intend to make a firm offer for Senior plc. As a result of its announcement, LSF is bound by the restrictions contained in Rule 2.8 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the "Code").
The following documents concerning the possible offer for the Company have been issued by the Company:
Presentation - "Response to Lone Star’s Proposal" (dated 22 June 2021)
Letter to Shareholders
Email broadcast to Shareholders
Letter to Employees
Letter to participants of the Senior Sharesave Plan
Letter to participants of the Senior executive share plans
Letter to the Trustee of the Senior plc Pension Plan (Senior's UK defined benefit pension plan)
Other regulated announcements concerning the possible offer for the Company may be found on the RNS Announcements section of the Company website.